
Saturday, July 21, 2007

You are Exactly What You Eat and Drink

Of all the various causes of nervous exhaustion and the entire ensemble of conditions that arise with it, incorrect diet probably leads the group. If there is any one thing that must be changed before the body can respond with vigorous health and unlimited Nerve Force, it is the average American diet. To help relieve the strain, stress and tensions that threaten our lives, we must eat adequate amounts of natural, healthy foods to supply the body with the important nutrients for building an active brain in a strong, healthy body.
The Central Nervous System is made and maintained by the food you eat. How can you build a strong Nervous. System and maintain it on hot dogs, washed down with caffeine-filled coffee or colas? How can greasy french fried potatoes supply the nervous system with the valuable nutrients that it needs? It cannot!
As we have devitaminized and demineralized our daily foods we have weakened our Central Nervous System. We are surrounded by an avalanche of chemicals which are poisonous and injurious to our health. Our foods are sprayed with poisonous insecticides. Then the food
processors incorporate hundreds of food additives and chemicals which may make their products have longer shelf life, but will ultimately also shorten human life.
The awful price we pay for our destruction of the BComplex vitamins in our “civilized” foods is evident in the confusion, discouragement and desire for suicide – combined with the ervousness and excessive fatigue – so common in our lives and world today. In our opinion the excessive use of tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, cola drinks and drugs is directly related to a deficiency in BComplex vitamins. We have carefully studied the dietary habits of people who use these powerful stimulants and drugs and found in every case that these people are suffering from B-Complex vitamin deficiency.