
Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Healthy Mind for Health and Long Life

What has your mind to do with health and long life? Far more than the majority of men and women realize! Think of your thoughts as powerful magnets, as entities which have the ability to attract or repel, according to the way they are used. A majority of people lean either to the positive or the negative side mentally. The positive phase is constructive and goes for success and positive achievements, while the negative side of life is destructive, leading to futility and failure. It’s self- evident it’s to our advantage to cultivate a positive healthy mental attitude. With patience, persistence and living The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle this can be accomplished.
There are many negative and destructive forms of thought which react in every cell in your body. The strongest is fear, and its child, worry – along with depression, anxiety, apprehension, jealousy, ill-will, envy, anger, resentment, vengefulness and self-pity. All of these negative thoughts bring tension to the body and mind, leading to waste of energy, enervation and also slow or rapid poisoning of the body. Rage, intense fear and shock are very violent and quickly intoxicate the whole system. Worry and other destructive emotions act slowly but, in the end, have the same destructive effect. Anger and intense fear stop digestive action, upset the kidneys and the colon causing total body upheaval (diarrhea or constipation, headaches, pains, fever, etc.).
Fear, worry and other destructive habits of thought muddle the mind! A crystal clear mind is needed to reason to your best advantage, enabling you to make sound, healthy decisions. An emotionally clouded mind often makes unwise and unhealthy decisions and might be unable to reach any positive conclusions at all!
What are the positive healthy mental forces or expressions? They are the ones that lead to peace of mind and inner relaxation, as opposed to the destructive habits which cause a tightening up of the entire system. This 65 very second, let your mind take over your body.