
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Keep Your Precious Body and Heart Functioning at Peak Efficiency

Despite its importance, most of us rarely consider the care of this machine – our body – until illness strikes. By care we don’t mean coddling . Instead, we mean those sensible practices and precautions which keep us in shape for the vigorous daily routine that strenuous modern living requires. Most people are fortunate to be born healthy, but far too often take this priceless gift of health for granted. Unfortunately, Mother Nature does not always let them get away with this carefree attitude. You can ruin a good car by neglect or abuse, and you can do the same with your heart and body!
Unless you know how your body functions – or malfunctions – you cannot take proper care of it. Most people’s ideas about their physical processes are erroneous or far-fetched. Even in this scientific age, too many superstitions and misconceptions about the human body still persist .