
Friday, July 20, 2007

Special Shower Builds Healthy Circulation

Here’s a progressive method for improving circulation over your entire body. All you need is a large back brush or Swedish bath friction mitt, castile soap and a coarse Turkish towel. Now get into shower and turn on hot water. With brush or mitt, gently scrub your body. At first your coddled body won’t be able to take too much scrubbing. It’s also good to massage neck and upper shoulders. After your scrub/massage, then start to alternate hot and cold showers for 3 to 5 minutes. Now towel rub dry your body for 3 to 5 minutes – your body circulation will tingle!
Hot/cold water showers are a wonderful way to relax, refresh and stimulate tired muscles. Let the spray beat heavily on your back and shoulders. Occasionally before shower apply olive oil if your skin is dry. We advise this relaxing shower before dinner on days when you come home tired. It helps relieves muscular stress and strain!