
Friday, July 20, 2007

Enjoy Energy from Gentle Sunbathing

The sun is the primary source of energy. If we did not have the warmth of the sun on the earth, we would all quickly freeze to death. All things that live, breathe and grow need the energy of the sun.
Modern man has swaddled himself in clothes and as a consequence is a pale, sallow weakling. In our culture today we say that “Clothes make the man” and many people are driven to desperation trying to keep up with the latest styles. We believe clothes do have a place in our culture, but it is far more important to have a healthy body that has absorbed the life-giving rays of the sun! The direct rays of the gentle sun on the naked body supply vitality and dynamic energy and recharge the human storage battery with renewed strength to build powerful and vibrant Nerve Force! Life-giving sunshine is essential to your health, happiness and longevity.
The early morning rays are the coolest and gentlest. Take your sunbaths between 7 am and 11 am. Stay out of the sun from 11 am to 3 pm while the infrared rays are dangerous. From 3 pm until sundown is another time to bask in the cooler rays of the sun. These cool rays of the sun rejuvenate the skin, giving a satiny texture and a natural brown color. The gentle sun is a tonic for frazzled nerves. Its cool rays calm, quiet and soothe the nerves while helping to promote a relaxed feeling. If you can combine a nap with a sunbath, you will help refill the reservoirs of the body with Nerve Force. After gentle sunning pat on some Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar.
Most people are so full of toxic waste and acids that as soon as they expose their nude bodies to the rays of the sun they become red, blister and may actually become ill. Remember that the sunbath is a perfect “invisible” toxic poison eliminator. That is the reason that the utmost caution must be used when you start to take your gentle sunbaths. Please do not tell us that you are too busy to find time to take a sunbath! This is such a worn-out excuse! Make your weekends healthy and do take time to enjoy a 30-minute gentle sunbath.