
Monday, July 23, 2007

Millions Suffer Vitamin B-Complex Deficiency

People of every age go about their daily business with their vital energies barely above the point of exhaustion. Watch carefully what they eat and you will find they are not eating foods that help to build Nerve Force. As is typical of a deficiency, the body signals its need for nutrients with cravings. In the case of B-Complex vitamin deficiency, the body signals its craving for food.
Through ignorance, however, people often seek to supply this need with incorrect material by stuffing it with the so-called “quick energy” concoctions that contain refined white sugar; such as candy, chewing gum, cakes, cookies, cola drinks, ice cream, pies and other rich, sugary desserts.
These may give an apparent temporary “lift,” but this false energy is quickly consumed by the body, leaving the real deficiency even greater than before. So whenever you feel what you interpret as a “craving for sweets” look to your nerves and reach for the B-Complex vitamin supplements instead of the sugar bowl! A B-Complex vitamin deficiency is insidious and difficult to detect. Apparently, the troubles seem to be minor – occasional headaches, some colds and joint and stomach pains, or a clogged bowel which has to be whiplashed with a powerful drug laxative. Ask most people suffering from this eficiency, “How are you feeling today?” Since the trouble seems to be minor, their reply will usually be, I feel great! They have had the ailment so long that they have learned to live with it and think nothing of it. So many people have not the slightest idea what “feeling great” really means! They go on their merry way until Mother Nature finally will not take any more abuses, and then they have a complete nervous breakdown.