
Friday, September 21, 2007

Salt Affects Your Blood Pressure

What causes high blood pressure? Medical Science recognizes many causes: tension, strains, stress, toxic substances such as cigarettes and gasoline, food additives, insecticide sprays, etc. and the side effects of drugs and industrial toxins are all suspect. What can you do to protect yourself from these injurious agents? You would do well to exclude as many of these harmful factors from your environment and life as soon as possible!
However, there is one cause of high blood pressure which can be easily avoided. Sodium chloride (common table salt) is the major cause of high blood pressure! Up to now, we have been talking about causing high blood pressure in the normal person. But how about the effects of salt on those millions suffering from our country’s most prevalent and preventable ailment – excess weight? This is a prime area for research because obesity is known to be frequently accompanied by high blood pressure. Medical researchers proclaim a link between high blood pressure and salt intake in obesity.