
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

How Not to Get Sick : Primary Prevention

Prevention is better than cure—and less expensive than cure. So if we are going to discuss how to save on the cost of healthcare, we might as well start with the least expensive method: how to keep from getting sick in the first place. We can prevent a lot of diseases by living a healthy lifestyle.
The very essence of healthy living is simply to do the things that are good for our bodies and avoid the things that are bad for our bodies; it is that simple. However, since there are many things that are good for our bodies and many things that are not, let’s list the main ones:
Things that are good for our bodies
• Regular exercise
• Proper nutrition
• Routine physical examination
Things that are bad for our bodies
• Smoking
• Excessive alcohol intake
• Illicit drug use
• Unprotected sex with multiple partners
Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why many do not live healthy lifestyles or can’t seem to do it on a continuous basis. The main excuses are:
1. It is not a priority.
2. They can’t seem to find the time to do it.
3. It can be complicated and they just don’t know what to do.
4. It is expensive.
The biggest stumbling block is that, for most of us, living a healthy lifestyle will cause us to change the way we live right now in some fashion. And change is hard. The good news is that we can change, and we do it all the time. If we understand how change happens, and then apply that to create a healthy lifestyle, we will achieve our goal.
Change begins as a result of a different mindset. Here are some of the reasons that people who successfully live healthy lifestyles use to keep themselves on the right track:
• I want to look good.
• I need to feel energized.
• I want to stay alive long enough to see my grandchildren.
• I hate going to the doctor or hospital.
• I don’t like spending money on healthcare.
• My mom or dad or relative died from that disease and I don’t want that to happen to me.
• I need to release stress.
• My doctor told me to.
Unfortunately, sometimes a reason is forced on us because something catastrophic happened. For example, it’s often the case that when somebody has a heart attack, that person suddenly starts an exercise program, or when somebody has diabetes he or she starts thinking about diet and losing weight. Don’t wait. It will cost you a lot, both financially and emotionally.
If you achieve the mindset that convinces you to live a healthy lifestyle, you would have taken care of excuses numbers 1 and 2 (not a priority and can’t find time). You will make your healthy lifestyle a priority. Once you make anything a priority, you suddenly find that you
can make time to do it.