
Friday, September 14, 2007

Tobacco – Enemy of Your Heart and Health

Whether it’s cigarettes, cigars or pipes, tobacco is one of the heart’s worst enemies! Here is what Dr. Lester M. Morrison, noted California heart specialist and pioneer in the low-cholesterol diet for the treatment and the prevention of heart disease, said about tobacco:
Tobacco is a poison. Nicotine, the main ingredient of tobacco, is a poison affecting the brain, heart and other vital organs. The tobacco plant is directly related to the deadly nightshade family of plants. Aside from the chief poison, nicotine, there are other well-known poisons present in tobacco: arsenic and coal tar substances and carbon monoxide (when tobacco is burned).
Dr. Morrison also said, Nicotine is the most noxious substance that affects the blood vessels in man. Nicotine is a powerful drug that constricts the arteries, narrowing still more the vital passageways of the blood, already clogged by other toxic residue. The tobacco smoker does double damage to his heart – first, by filling the bloodstream with the harsh poisons of tobacco and, second, by narrowing the arteries and other blood vessels, preventing a free flow of life-giving blood.