
Friday, September 14, 2007

Smoking Has Many Ways to Kill You!

The body has no defense against carbon monoxide produced by smoking. You have read about people committing suicide or being killed by carbon monoxide fumes. Why deliberately breathe them into your lungs? The coal tars in tobacco are the chief poisons responsible for cancer of the lungs, mouth and related areas of the body. It frightens us to think of what will happen in another 25 years because of the excessive use of tobacco. We are convinced that every smoker will eventually develop lung, throat or some form of cancer –if heart disease or something else doesn’t kill them first!
The results of a recent federal health study found that cigars are no less hazardous than other forms of tobacco, and therefore needs stronger federal regulation! The absence of such warning labels on cigars could lead consumers to erroneously conclude that cigars don’t carry health risks. Beware – there is no safe form of deadly tobacco! Cigars are becoming tremendously popular and sales have jumped 18% recently. Yet cigar smokers and tobacco chewers face grave risk of diseases such as mouth, throat, esophageal, larynx and lung cancer, as well as coronary heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Fact: cigars contain up to 90 times as much of some cancer-causing agents as cigarettes do!