
Friday, September 28, 2007

Dreams Can Reflect Past and Present Life

By exerting your willpower you can eat correctly, get enough exercise and breathe deeply – but you cannot sleep soundly by willpower alone. Through activity of the body and the brain you can cause weariness – but that will not insure you perfect rest. You may be too tired or too mentally excited to sleep. If you, for example, were watching a TV movie of violence, slaying characters and solving crimes you may find sleep reluctant. Don’t waste time watching TV violence – it causes restless sleep and even nightmares! But, when the brain and body are moderately and wisely used, then sweet, sane sleep follows.
However, too much sleep is often worse than too little. You can drug yourself with sleep to the point of stupidity, causing the blood circulation in the brain to become overactive and invoke frightening dreams. Fantasy can rise from the subconscious. Grimly, dreams can plunge you into past, old apprehensions and old worries again! Dreams can grow more distressful with age! And with weary relief we wake to reality again! Yet, isn’t it strange? We have life’s experience to draw on and dreams vary, reflecting experiences. It’s healthy lifestyle living with sound sleep that lets us enjoy more life-changing, uplifting, spiritual, guiding dreams. Web: