
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Learn to Live Joyously with Yourself

Remember you came into this world alone and leave it alone. It’s nice to have a good family, friends and a mate, but – above all – you must learn to love living with yourself. Don’t become too intimate with too many people because “familiarity often breeds contempt”. Maintain a high personal dignity level, even with yourself. You must be good company for yourself. We have never been bored in our lives. We go on long hikes and get to understand ourselves better. As we grow to understand ourselves better, we get to understand other humans more.
Lead a busy, happy, creative life. If you follow , you are going to be busy! You will have a happy, well-rounded, balanced day with your meditation and prayer, your exercises and deep breathing, healthy eating program and reading new, instructive books, plus continuing with your daily work. A busy person is a happy person with little time to worry. Life becomes a great adventure. Enjoy every minute of it! We only get 24 precious hours a day. No one gets more – be they king, queen or billionaire. So live each day as though it were your last! Make every minute count! Time is too precious to waste. When someone says, “I have to kill time, I’m bored,” we think, “How sad!” Now, accept new challenges. Don’t be afraid to tackle any job or chore, no matter how big! Get going and start living successfully now!