
Thursday, September 13, 2007

Learn to Anticipate Life’s Next Moves

If you do then you need only take the actions most needed, and you will not waste precious energy rushing around trying this, that, and the other thing until you get it right. Great athletes know how to enhance their performance through anticipating the competition. Retired Miami Dolphin Dan Marino could always come up to the line of scrimmage and have a very accurate idea of where his opponents were going to move. Wayne Gretsky, one of the greatest hockey players of all time, could always see the puck coming two moves away. He knew so much about his game and the people he played against that he could almost always guess what the opposition—and his fellow teammates—were going to do next. Tiger Woods has the same gift.
In life, we need not only to be aware of what’s going on in the here and now but also to be able to look down the road and see what’s approaching. Some blows are inevitable, and the best we can do is to see them coming and try to limit the damage. Others we can prepare for so that we don’t have to sustain damage.
(This Post for tags : Health, healthy, Healthy live, Healthy Tips, Live Tips, Healthy Live Tips )
General George S. Patton once wrote: “I have studied the enemy all my life. I have read the memoirs of his generals and his leaders. I have even read his philosophers and listened to his music. I have studied in great detail the account of every damned one of his battles. I know exactly how he will react under any given set of circumstances.”
All of us need to learn how to patiently study and understand
those we compete against in life and in the workplace. Always focus on the big picture and anticipate the future. Some tips for doing this include:
• Head off the younger, less experienced coworker who is after your job.
• Read the signs of your industry and see when things are going to make a downturn or a major shift—and be ready.
• See that tremendous opportunity down the road and position yourself so that you are ready to grasp it when it presents itself to you.
• Never become complacent in your career or in any other area of your life. Educate yourself about new developments in your field and make yourself available for new training opportunities.
• Seek out willing mentors who can honestly evaluate your skills and teach you things you could never learn otherwise.
The ability to look ahead and accurately foresee the next move will give you a performance edge that those who spend their lives rushing around to catch up just won’t be able to match.