
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Highway to Higher Health and Happiness

Health and Happiness! To us, these seem inseparable. Our motto is: To make my body a temple pure, wherein I live serene. Promoting the welfare of our hearts and bodies is a loving, religious task. By Health we don’t mean the everyday variety that consists of not being sick. We are referring to what we call the Higher Health – a sense of amazing well-being that makes a person proud to say with gusto, I am feeling great today!
We all agree that the chief aim of life is happiness! There is but one main avenue to happiness that we can recommend with confidence . . . and that is the Highway to Higher Health! Without balanced health – physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally – it’s difficult to have true happiness. The healthy ditchdigger is more in love with life than the sick, flabby millionaire. Good Health is the prime factor in attaining True Happiness. Keep your body healthy and fit and your mind and heart 52 Risk Factors of Angioplasty on Women will rejoice in joy being a radiant health crusader!