Most laboratories today require requisitions from a physician to run various tests. New self-care home kits are now available for many screening tests, which can be done at home. Some of these are as follows: pregnancy test, blood cholesterol, blood glucose, and stool testing for occult blood. The latter is useful to periodically evaluate possible blood loss, as well as causes for anemia. Urine testing for protein or sugar, and fasting blood sugar measurements, are good screening tests for diabetes. These tests can be done on a group basis at health fairs, and for a considerably reduced cost.
Cholesterol and triglyceride evaluations are periodically performed in coronary screening programs, and occasionally, it is possible to secure chest x-rays, electrocardiograms, and even treadmill tests from public health groups or private groups screening for cardiovascular disease. Sometimes the YMCA, religious camp meetings, or special health fairs in shopping centers will provide these tests at a very reasonable cost. Cooperative physicians may provide other laboratory determinations in the case of acute disease.
Cholesterol and triglyceride evaluations are periodically performed in coronary screening programs, and occasionally, it is possible to secure chest x-rays, electrocardiograms, and even treadmill tests from public health groups or private groups screening for cardiovascular disease. Sometimes the YMCA, religious camp meetings, or special health fairs in shopping centers will provide these tests at a very reasonable cost. Cooperative physicians may provide other laboratory determinations in the case of acute disease.