
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Long, Slow Diaphragmatic Breathing Leads to a Long, Peaceful, Healthy Life!

Miracles happen when you slow down your breathing. Take full diaphragmatic breaths. See how few long, slow deep breaths you can take in a minute. After a few minutes you will find your pulse rate is slower. Your nerves beginto quiet down. Instead of trying to solve your emotional
problems in a state of excitement, you are now calm. This long, slow diaphragmatic breathing allows you to shift from emotionalism to logical thinking. You become master of the situation. You no longer look at your problems subjectively but begin to take the broad, objective view. With logical and positive thinking you can find the answers to emotional problems. If you use this technique when emotional shocks hit, you’ll save yourself a lot of lost Nerve Force. This slow, deep diaphragmatic breathing is a wonderful method to calm yourself and weather life’s emotional upsets. The shortest lived animals are those who breathe rapidly. The longest lived animals are those who take slower breaths. Many years ago we learned this secret from a Breathatarian – as he was known – who lived in India. It was claimed by many that he was over 130 years of age! He looked like a well preserved man in his early 70s. He had sharp eyes and a wrinkle-free face with a happy disposition and a keen mind. He could tell you what had happened in his life 125 years ago! He practiced long, slow diaphragmatic breathing and did it so well that he took only one full breath per minute. He was really an Indian Guru, a teacher. And he had attained perfect bliss consciousness. He finally went to a retreat in the Himalayan Mountains. We’ve been told by a man who recently returned from India that this Guru was still alive and in perfect health! Dad and I are students of deep breathing and we practice it every day of our lives. We are aware of how important oxygen is to our well-being and to the building of our bodies’ powerful Nerve Force.