
Friday, August 24, 2007

Healthy Lifestyle Eating Habits

You need to learn not only what to keep out of your diet, but also, just as importantly, what you should put into it. You will find that you can nourish your body without sacrificing meal-time enjoyment once you understand the basic principles of proper nourishment. These principles will supply you with the knowledge your body needs to build, develop and live healthy, as it was meant to do naturally. Healthful organic foods packed with vital nutrients are abundant worldwide.
The first step, of course, is to get into the habit of eating for health. Such a habit is not difficult to form. Our instinctive natural sense of food selection has been overwhelmed by all of the advertising of popular, fast, junk foods, etc. You have to be strong minded! Like any other ability or skill, Only by using this natural health instinct and desire can we revive and strengthen our health!
America’s former Surgeon General, said this in his famous 1988 landmark report on nutrition and health in America. People don’t die of infectious conditions as such, but of malnutrition that allows the germs to get a foothold in sickly bodies. Also, bad nutrition is usually the main cause of noninfectious, fatal or degenerative conditions. When the body has its full vitamin and mineral quota, including precious potassium, it’s almost impossible for germs to get a foothold in a healthy, powerful bloodstream and tissues!