
Sunday, April 27, 2008


Cancer of the breast is the leading cancer among women in Western countries. It appears that this cancer is caused by one of several viruses and is increased in certain population groups. As mentioned before women who breast-feed their babies seem to be protected. Those with fibrocystic disease, a condition where the mammary glands enlarge and become engorged with sacs of fluid have an increased risk of breast malignancy.
Recent evidence points to the intake of caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, tea, and colas as factors in the production of this fibrocystic change. Beverage alcohol is believed to be one major risk factor in breast cancer. Men may also have breast cancer, but it is about 1/125th as common. Periodic self examination is an excellent aid to early detection of breast cancer, especially if it remains the same throughout the menstrual cycle.
A great deal of controversy is raging in the medical world concerning the best treatment for breast cancer. Some types seem to be adequately treated by locally excising the tumor. The removal of a portion of the breast obviously preserves normal anatomy and is far less mutilating than the more traditional radical mastectomy.
Many types of breast cancer are quite adequately treated and often cured by a modified approach removing the breast only, while preserving the muscles in the chest and dissecting the lymph glands in the arm pit only when the risk of metastasis is high. This to me seems like a much more “middle-ofthe- road” approach, avoiding the extensive mutilation and more serious
complications of the radical surgery commonly performed.